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// Euro chamber Mongolia
Banking and Finance
Banking and Finance WG comprises of banks, non-financial banking institutions and insurance companies. Recent topics the WG is focusing are trade financing, environmental assessments and insurance. The WG is chaired by Ms. Enkhzaya B., Director of Trade Finance Department, Golomt Bank, and co-chaired by Mr. Uuganbayar T., Vice President of Wholesale Banking, Khan Bank.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
Food and Beverage
This WG comprises of members producing and importing alcohol beverages. The WG has been actively raising concerns on the Law on Controlling the Circulation of Alcoholic Beverages, and Fighting Against Alcoholism that negatively affect businesses. The WG is chaired by Ms. Soyol-Erdene B., Vice President of Beta Star, MSM, and co-chaired by Mr. Davaajamts D., Supply Chain Director at Noyon Uul Erdene LLC.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
Sustainability and Energy
The WG aims to create business opportunities for foreign and Mongolian businesses, bring positive impact on the sustainability legal regulatory framework by sharing best practices from European academia and businesses and serving as a platform for relevant stakeholders to discuss issues. The WG is chaired by Ms. Batzul Gerelsaikhan, Head of Properties Department at Erel Group, and co-chaired by Mr. Oliver Schnorr, President of Euro Khan LLC & Chairman of the Board of Directors at Sainshand Wind Park LLC.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
Innovation and Digitalisation
The WG’s aim is to advocate for regulations supporting innovation and digitalisation in Mongolia, education for skilled workers and knowledge economy. The WG focuses on the start-up support, government policies encouraging innovation, and opportunities for start-ups. The WG is chaired by Ms. Bolormaa D., Founder of Kite Mongolia LLC, and co-chaired by Mr. Erdembileg S., Director of Aden Services.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
International Trade
The aim of the International Trade Working Group is to support trade and trade related activities between Mongolia and Europe and advocate for improvements to Mongolia’s business environment. Currently, the WG is discussing Trade Facilitation, VAT offsetting, Geographical Indications and exporting to the EU, packaging regulations, logistics. Ms. Klaartje Genbrugge, President of Eurochamber and founder of Madame Seguin Bridal is the chair of this WG.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) WG mainly comprises of companies in the mining, legal and financial sector, and suppliers to the mining industry. In November 2022, the WG issued a position paper on the Minerals Transfer Tax, raising concerns on the valuation methods imposed by the Mongolian Tax Office on the transfer of special licenses. Draft Investment Law, draft Commercial Law and others are also being discussed within the group. The WG is chaired by Mr. Daniel Mahoney, Partner at MahoneyLiotta LLP, and co-chaired by Ms. Ariuntuya R., Legal Director at Badrakh Energy LLC.

// Euro chamber Mongolia
Health Working Group